18 July 2010

Small Land-Massing It Up

S'true, I am in Thailand, but only have pictures of Bangkok, a putrid, crowded, steamy sprawl of a city where I spent approximately five long hours of my life. They aren't purty.

Playin Doctor. Why waste precious time at the hospital when I have my OWN nail clippers & tweezers/suture-removin tools at home?

A fine spring twilight, the view from my old apartment in Guro-gu, Seoul.

Graffiti demos in . . . heaven, er, the R16 B-Boy World Cup jam.

Some temple, somewhere in Seoul, tiny Buddhas cast their gazes across the insect kingdom.

Photo shoot with the quail eggs.

Side dishes.

Some holy statue at some traditional Korean house, somewhere in Seoul.

It snows in Korea . . . in APRIL.

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